Monday, February 28, 2011

All Tubes Are Out!!!

It was a great day!  Got to see everyone's face without any tubes.  All three babies lost there NG tubes and are all taking bottles now.  They are doing great and both boys are drinking more each feeding!  They just need to keep gaining weight and we can bring them home.  They all are having some trouble with reflux but otherwise doing well.

Miles  4lbs 9oz
Max    3lbs 13  oz
Macy   3lbs 13 oz

Here are pictures without tubes!

Ms. Macy

 Mr. Miles
 Mr. Maxwell (a.k.a. Killer)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

NICU Day 10

Day 10 was a great day!!  All three babies are finally in a row together!  They are all able to hold there temperature now so they are in open cribs!  Everyone is now wearing clothes. Everyday we are making progress.  Miles had his picc line removed so now they all just need to learn to eat!  They had there first bottles today all 3 did well!  Miles drank his whole bottle and Macy and Max did great!  It really exhausts them learning to eat.

So now we need to eat and grow.  They all still have feeding tubes and will start off with 1-2 bottles a day and gradually increase as they get better at it.

Miles weighs 4lbs 5oz
Macy weighs  3lbs 9oz
Max   weighs   3lbs 7oz

Here are some new pictures!

Maxwell and Mom

Miles and Aunt Kelly
 Mama Pam and Macy
 Aunt Kelly and Miles
 Macy and Mama
 Mommy and Miles

Sunday, February 20, 2011

NICU Day 8

The little ones are doing pretty good.

Macy:  Is holding her own, weight is back to birth weight and gaining.  So very tiny still.  She's almost to the point where they can raise the roof on the Isolete and be fine with just room temperature.  Her IV came out last night, and they have bumped up her feedings to compensate for the IV nutrition.

Miles:  Made big strides over the past couple days.  He is able to regulate his temperature, so the roof has been lifted from him.  He was removed from the C-Pap on Saturday morning, but he had some issue's last night so they put him on a nasal cannula (l litre) He has had a small heart murmur which is said to be normal with premature babies, but the Doc said it sounded better this morning. He continues to gain weight and many people are referring to him as "the Heffer" or "Hef".  Other than the breathing issue's still being a problem, he's making solid progress.

Maxwell:  He's been the smallest, but mightiest all along.  Doing great, gaining weight, IV taken out.  He's still in the isolete with the roof closed but hopefully they will raise the roof for him soon, as long as he can regulate his temperatures.  He has a heart murmur that is also said to be normal with preemie's so we are keeping our eye's on that in the hope's it gets better by itself.

Dad and Maxwell

 Miles West
 Mom and Macy
 Mom Macy
 Maxwell Louis
 Dad and Maxwell
  Ally Jane

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NICU Day 4

Quick update on the triplets..

Macy is doing well, doctors took her off "the light" because her jaundice has subsided.  She slept most of the day when we were there and Angie got to hold her for a good hour and a half..  Made both Mommy and Macy happy.

Maxwell was ready to go..  He was very alert and awake, making eye contact with us.  He's just trying to figure things out.  He's having trouble keeping his IV's in and has had to have 12 since he's been there.  Ouch.  Doctors think that he may be able to not have an IV anymore starting tomorrow.  I hope so, it's hard watching him get stuck all the time.  Andy got to hold Maxwell for a good hour as well.

Miles is making improvements.  He was taken off the vent this morning and is handling it well.  He is on the C-pap right now but they were able to turn the settings down a bit.  Mommy got to hold Miles today for the first time, and this was the first time he was really awake/alert when she was holding him.  It was good to see and makes us feel confident that he's going to be just fine.

All three babies are taking feedings as well, every 3-4 hours they are getting the good stuff.  Both Macy and Maxwell started to gain weight over the past 2 days, back to birth weight.  Miles isn't far behind.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Well, Here they are.. 3 Babies

Got to Go Home today..  It is great to be here, but I miss my little babies.  I love being here for Ally and Tyler.  I've missed them so much.  I'm happy that the family is together, at least almost together.  I look forward to all 7 of us sleeping under one roof.

The Nurses and Doctors at Good Sam are fantastic.  Both Macy and Maxwell are doing perfect, a little jaundice, but they have put them under lights to help with this.  All babies have had colustrum, some more than others.  We are hoarding alot of the "liquid gold" for Miles since he is having the hardest time adjusting to life outside of my belly.  Miles is still on the ventilator but we are hoping to get him off it tomorrow.  Doctor's say he is going to be fine, just needs some help, but it's still worriesome seeing your child on a ventilator. 

I was able to do "kangaroo care" with Maxwell today, this was the first time I got to hold him.  Still haven't got to hold Miles yet which is a bummer.

My incision seems to be healing well with the help of pain medication.  Feeling ok for the most part.  Can't wait to sleep in my bed.  Here are some photo's we've taken over the past couple days.

Maxwell and Mommy
 Macy and Daddy
 Macy Crowd Surfing
 Miles sleeping
Thanks again for all your love and support.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Babies have arrived!

After suffering thru the day yesterday, the doctors decided to go ahead and take the babies. Macy, Maxwell, and Miles Smith made their debut at 8:11, 8:12, and 8:13 last night weighing in at 3.13, 3.7, and 4.15. All three had some breathing issues with Maxwell (smallest) being the strongest. He was on the C-pap for about 5 hours then he didn't need oxygen anymore. Macy came off the C-Pap soon after Maxwell. Miles struggled a little more. He had to be intubated and given medication to help his lungs get going. He only had to stay on the vent 8 hours and he is now on the C-Pap and doing much better. Angle is hanging in there however her being on bed rest for the past four months will make it a tough recovery. So far my take on the kids is that Maxwell is the feisty one, Macy is the calm and content one, and Miles is the chubby lazy one like his dad.

Thanks again for all the love and support. All the texts, voicemails, emails, etc. We will post pictures when we get a chance.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shower's are awesome!!!!

Today is a much better day. Thanks to Kelly for helping me shower and fix My hair, I feel like a new person. Still on the Mag, after talking with doctor today it could be a couple more weeks before we see the babies. Of course they said it could happen at anytime too! As long a I can tolerate the mag, I think they are leaving me on it.

Tyler and Ally are adjusting well to staying with Nicole and she seems to be a great fit for us, so glad to have her.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5 of Round 2 at Good Sam

Doctor decided to stop the magnesium yesterday afternoon. Started out fine, but ended up causing the contractions to start back up again. Miserable night beside the fact that Andy stayed and watched the super bowl with me. They just re-started the magnesium which makes me feel terrible, but I guess its better than having contractions 10 minutes apart like I did all day today. I'm tired, not getting much sleep. When I get to 32 weeks (Friday) I have a feeling they are going to stop the meds and let nature take it's course. They gave us a tour of the NICU last night and found out the kids and close family can get in to see the babies.

I appreciate all the visitors, feel free to stop by anytime, I seem to get the most lonely in the evenings.

I will try and keep you all posted..k

Friday, February 4, 2011

Having fun

Well, yesterday turned out to be rougher than expected. There was talk of me being an O.R. candidate when my contractions got very painful and too close together. I am still taking my brethine every six hours and supplementing it sometimes in between doses. They started me on magnesium as well last night around 6, which has made me feel like I have the flu. Not having any fun to say the least. Doctor Voss still thinks that I'm on the right path to make it to 36 weeks, and I'm not so sure I can. Cant get enough pillows to get comfortable and I don't think its possible to get comfortable. Hanging in there.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back in hospital!!

Bad news... But good news.. Came in today for a growth ultrasound and there is to much difference between Max and Miles. Baby Macy is right in the middle in terms of weight. Doctors don't want anymore than a 20 percent difference from smallest to largest. Doing ok for the most part just don't want to be here and this time its for the duration of my pregnancy. Having on and off contractions and taking medication to help with them.

Maxwell: 2 lbs. 15 oz
Macy: 3 lbs. 4 oz
Miles: 3 lbs. 13 oz

Not sure what's gonna happen next.. Good week for Ms. Nicole to start at the house...