Thank you for all the emails and messages over the past couple days. Reading all of the facebook post's and emails kept me busy last night. Well rested, nurses allowed me to have an ambien last night. First good night sleep in several months. Contractions are still coming and going, but nothing too strong or worriesome at this time. Doctor stopped in this morning, says we are doing good. Ultrasound scheduled for tommorrow to check on the babies.
Andy set up SKYPE on my laptop and at home last night so I'm now able to say good night to the kids via video, which Ally and Tyler thought was cool. I like seeing them before bed. It's going to be several long weeks here at Good Sam. Focused on staying pregnant for as long as possible.
Hi Angie! So glad to hear you were able to get some sleep and so very glad for the blog. Hated emailing Andy, but the need to let you guys know we're all thinking about you is overwhelming! You guys and your sanity will continue to be in our prayers here in St. Louie. Keep up the good fight! Much love, Nancy & Chuck Teegardin